A Night Out with Jameson & George

Sunday night we danced, sang, and drank Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey in the heart of Hollywood at George Fest, one in a series of The Best Fests sponsored by Jameson. The concert was a star-studded event, opened by LA's very own Conan O'Brien (who can sing like he has toured all his life) and closed by Brian Wilson and Al Jardine (they literally never get old). One star after the other took the stage to wow and dazzle the sold-out house, all in the name of charity. 100% of the proceeds benefitted the Jameson Neighborhood Fund, an organization established a decade ago to support artists and musicians in the local community. We were thrilled to be there for this special event and can't wait to hear which lucky neighborhood will host the next Best Fest!

Home Bar Bottles for October 2014

The Best Bourbon Drinks: Kentucky B & B Cocktail Recipe