How to Make a Dreamsicle Cocktail

It's a simple cocktail but a good one nonetheless. Most likely to be served poolside at a hotel, a dreamsicle cocktail tastes especially good when you're sun kissed, partially submerged in water, and feeling nostalgic. One sip and you'll be transported back to the curb at the park when you flagged down the ice cream truck and handed over your saved up quarters for a delicious Creamsicle®. The base spirit is usually vodka, but you can take some liberties in this area. The common choice is vanilla flavored vodka or for those of you who like to keep it natural, vanilla infused vodka. For the hell of it, we tried the drink with glazed donut flavored vodka and mama mia was it divine. Let us know what you think tastes best. Vanilla rum and almond liqueur are also favorites.


Dreamsicle Cocktail Recipe 2 ounces vodka (vanilla or donut flavored!) 1 ounce orange liqueur 1 ounce half & half 1 ounce orange juice Orange garnish

Directions Combine all the ingredients in a glass with ice, then transfer it into  shaker to mix. Transfer back to glass, garnish with an orange, and serve.

Video How To Visit our YouTube channel to see the video.

A Private Tasting of Pura Vida Tequila

Adventures in Books Touring: Week One