Fall Cocktails: Tea Riot

Now that it's September, it's time to start thinking about fall entertaining...because that's what we all sit around and do, right? Spend the day pondering which aperitif to serve at our next perfect cocktail party. We ran out of toilet paper the other day and had it not been for a mini-pack of Kleenex within arms length of the john I would have pulled a Joan Wilder from the opening scene of Romancing the Stone and used the Post-It on my mirror listing SAT words that I want my kids to know (which was supposed to change each month but hasn't since January). My lap top was also within reach (do not even try to pretend you've never brought your computer into the bathroom) and instead of sitting around pondering and then googling "perfect cocktails for fall entertaining," I put an Amazon Prime pantry box of Scott tissue together faster than Martha Stewart can assemble a glue gun. In the bathroom. Gorgeous Fall cocktails are very, very important, but don't beat yourself up if your every day life sometimes gets in the way being that amazing hostess that we all want to be.

Go ahead and wipe those images from your head (no pun intended) and feast your eyes on the glorious cocktail below that will charm the pants of your guests this season. The simple syrup takes some prepping, so this is not the cocktail to whip together minutes before your friends arrive. However, it's crazy good and should be considered a front-runner for your before-Thanksgiving-dinner-drink.

Tea Bubbly

Tea Riot 4-5 ounces Prosecco (or your favorite bubbly) 1 ounce bourbon (push to 1.5 if you're feeling wild) 1 ounce tea simple syrup 1/2 ounce lemon juice Orange peel

Directions In a champagne flute, combine the bourbon, simple syrup, and lemon juice. Mix well to help break up the syrup (best if it's at room temperature). Add the Prosecco, run the orange rind around the rim of the glass, and serve.

Dark Tea Simple Syrup Make 8 ounces of your favorite dark tea. We like using English breakfast tea or Earl Grey. Once you've made the tea, combine it in a sauce pan with 4 ounces white sugar, 4 ounces brown sugar, the rind from one lemon, and one cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 to 20 minutes. Remember- the longer you "cook" the syrup, the thicker the consistency. Strain the syrup to filter out any debris, and allow to cool before using in the drink.

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