7 Tips for Making Great Cocktails in Your Vacation Home or Hotel Room

 Vacationing is already expensive enough. Don't let your cocktail consumption make you wish you never left home in the first place. Here are five steps to creating great vacation cocktails without the resort price tag.

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Vacation Cocktails

  1. Secure the Mini Fridge for a Hotel Room A few days before your arrival, call the hotel to find out about the mini-fridge situation. Is there one in every room? Is it empty? Or is it filled with snacks and bottles that are sitting on motion detectors? Some hotels want to make sure that you don't drink their cute little bottle of Grey Goose for $18.00, and then replace it with one that you bought for $3.00 at the liquor store around the corner. To make sure this doesn't happen, many venues have rigged their fridges with weight or motion detectors. As soon as you even nudge one of their snacks or beverages, a charge is immediately billed to your credit card. If your hotel informs you that this is exactly the type of fridge that will be in your room, ask for another one that's empty. They will usually have it placed in your room before you get there.

  2. Plan Your Recipes Ahead of Time To stay within your cocktail budget, you'll want to shop with a few specific recipes in mind. Shopping for vacation cocktails can get out of hand quickly, so make a detailed shopping list before you leave home. We recommend putting the list on your smart phone or tablet so that you don't have to worry about one more thing to remember to pack. Think about adding a brunch drink like a mimosa or a Bloody Mary to the list, and a night cap liqueur like Bailey's or Frangelico.

  3. Map Out the Liquor Store This might sounds a little crazy, but you need to know the proximity of a liquor store before you get to your hotel. If there isn't one within walking distance, or you don't have a rental car, ask the cab/Uber driver to swing by one on your way to the resort. It's nice not to have to get in a cab again once you've unpacked.

  4. Size Does Matter Most liquor stores will offer four sizes of the most popular brand: 50 ML (a mini), 350 ML (a shortie), 750 ML (standard size), and 1.75 L (often referred to as a handle...even when it doesn't actually have one). If it's just you and your significant other on holiday, and your vacation is limited to a week, we recommend sticking to the 350 ml size for your main spirits (vodka, rum, etc), and then grabbing minis for the mixers (triple sec, vermouth, banana schnapps, etc.). If you plan on making mimosas or sparkling cocktails (we have so many in our book!), don't buy a large bottle of bubbly. Get a four-pack. Even high-end brands now offer this option. It's easier to fit inside that mini-fridge, and less will go to waste. Same goes for mixers like orange juice and pineapple juice. Get the smallest sizes available.

  5. Your Grocery Shopping List This is general and basic list of what you might need on hand:

    • Vodka

    • Tequila

    • Bourbon

    • Triple sec pr Cointreau (small)

    • Red wine

    • White wine

    • This Girl Walk’s Into a Bar Margarita Mix

    • Simple syrup (or packets of sugar to dissolve in water)

    • 6 Cokes

    • 6 Diet Cokes

    • 12 club sodas

    • 6-pack of small cranberry juice bottles

    • 6-pack of small pineapple juice bottles

    • 6 Limes

    • 2 Lemons

    • 2 oranges (for old fashions)

    • A jar of olives

    • A jar of cherries (for old fashions of Shirley Temples)

    • Small bottle of Santa Cruz organic lime juice

  6. A Few Recipe Ideas Here are a few drink recipes to bring along.

    • MaiTai (makes 8): 1 350 ML bottle light rum, 1 350 ML bottle dark rum, 1 6-pack Dole pineapple juice, 1 bottle This Girl Walks Into a Bar Margarita Mix, 1 small carton orange juice, 6 limes (for garnishes), 1 small jar maraschino cherries (the natural kind if possible).

    • Margaritas (makes 4): 1 350 ML bottle tequila, 1 bottle This Girl Walks Into a Bar Margarita Mix or whatever premium brand you can get your hands on, 1 375 mL see triple sec of Cointreau, 6 limes, salt. Think about making is a Cadillac Margarita because those mini Grand Marnier bottles are the cutest ever.

    • Sex on the Beach (makes 4): 1 350 ML bottle vodka, 2 peach schnapps minis, 2 triple sec minis, one small bottle cranberry juice, one small bottle orange juice, 4 limes.

    • Wine: We recommend a bottle a day since you are on vacation after all and wine during lunch is a must.

  7. Accessories This is a list of what you should pack to be able to make the drinks. Order the items now on Amazon (our affiliate links are below) to avoid paying premium prices at your destination or even send straight to your destination (call the hotel to see if they have package receiving fees). We picked these particular items because they are small and light-weight.

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