Stillhouse Whiskey: A Canned Christmas

I'm a procrastinator. Not with work or tasks at home. I'm the neighbor who is outside her house at 7AM on December 26th sawing up her Christmas tree because she can't stand the looming burden of putting all the Christmas decorations away. I'm a shopping procrastinator. I hate it. The parking, the crowds, the wrapping of the presents, the fear of the return line when the gift doesn't work out...all of it. And now it's December 16th and I've only made one purchase: a pair of slippers for my son which he has already found hidden in the closet. Awesome.


But! I have found the perfect gift for the 21+ person in your life in the form of a can filled with Stillhouse® Whiskey. It's not just any can. It's a 100% stainless steel can with zero welds. And look at how shiny and red the "bottle" is?! It's like a giant flask made just for Santa. You don't need to fight crowds at the mall because it's sold right around the corner at your local grocery or specialty beverage market, you don't need to wrap it because the visual presentation is so spectacular, and it won't be returned because DUH IT'S WHISKEY!


Each can of clear corn whiskey, charcoal filtered and distilled to perfection, retails for around $29.99. In addition to their original flavor, Stillhouse offers Apple Crisp Whiskey, Peach Tea Whiskey, Coconut Whiskey, Mint Chip Whiskey, and Red Hot Whiskey. Amazing, right?

Check out all their recipes at and follow them on Instagram & Twitter: @StillhouseUSA

→ Follow our YouTube channel here!

This is not a paid endorsement; however, we have received complimentary product (best job ever!!!). All opinions, recipes, commentary, reviews, and photographs are our own. 

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