How to Make a Strawberry Beer Margarita

We are getting very excited for the games tomorrow and planning the beer cocktails that will be served this Sunday and on Super Bowl Sunday. This strawberry beer Margarita is a real crowd pleaser and the perfect hybrid for anyone who wants more than a beer but less than a full blown cocktail that early in the day. OK who are we kidding. This is definitely a full blown cocktail and it's never too early in the day.

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Beer Margarita with a strawberry lime garnish

Strawberry Beer Margarita 2

We are getting very excited for the games tomorrow and planning the beer cocktails that will be served this Sunday and on Super Bowl Sunday. This strawberry beer Margarita is a real crowd pleaser and the perfect hybrid for anyone who wants more than a beer but less than a full blown cocktail that early in the day. OK who are we kidding. This is definitely a full blown cocktail and it's never too early in the day.

Strawberry Beer Margarita
1.5 ounces tequila
1 ounce This Girl Walks Into a Bar Margarita Mix
1/2 ounce orange juice
4 ounces beer
¾ ounce triple sec
½ ounce lime juice
3 fresh whole strawberries

Inside a shaker, muddle the strawberries in the lime juice. Strain into a Margarita glass that has already been rimmed with salt and filled with ice. Add the tequila, triple sec, and orange sour. Stir well to mix. Fill the rest of the glass with beer, and garnish with a strawberry and a lime.

Featured Tools & Equipment
Blue rimmed Margarita glasses - Set of 6
Martini shaker - pack of 4 and our favorite!

Strawberry Beer Margarita

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